Pumpkin Seed Oil for Hair Loss: Effectiveness and Application

pumpkin seeds hair oil

Yet, there is a lot of data on topical application and oral ingestion, separately. Pumpkin seeds contain phytoestrogens, which are plant components that act as estrogens in the body. This has prompted some research on whether pumpkin seed oil could help with menopausal symptoms.

pumpkin seeds hair oil

Jeune Naturelle Pumpkin Seed Oil Organic

Based on our findings and previous reports, it may be concluded that PSO exerts its beneficial effects on hair follicle and prostate in a similar manner to finasteride. A recent study[7] also demonstrated that pumpkin seed oil had comparable results to minoxidil in women. Dietary supplements are not regulated in the United States, meaning the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not approve them for safety and effectiveness before products are marketed. When possible, choose a supplement that has been tested by a trusted third party, such as USP, ConsumerLabs, or NSF.

Game-Changing Hair Oils To Prevent Thinning And Boost Growth Over 40

Look for cold-pressed pumpkin seed oil and store it in a cool place. As a supplement, pumpkin seed oil comes in dosages between 100 mg and 2,000 mg. Cold-pressed oil is considered to have more health benefits than oil extracted with heat. Pregnant or lactating people should avoid taking pumpkin seed oil in amounts higher than those found in food.

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Keep in mind that pumpkin seed oil goes rancid easily, so be sure to store it in a cool, dark place, or keep it refrigerated to extend its shelf life. Hair oils are commonly used to seal in moisture and protect your hair from external aggressors like the sun, pollution, the cold, etc. Pumpkin seed oil is a medium-weight oil, which is perfect for you to use on your hair when using it topically. It gives enough moisture to keep your hair looking glossy and shiny. StyleCraze provides content of general nature that is designed for informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Pumpkin Seeds Benefits, and Roasted Pumpkin Seeds Recipes - TODAY

Pumpkin Seeds Benefits, and Roasted Pumpkin Seeds Recipes.

Posted: Tue, 24 Oct 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Overall, Maple Holistics Pumpkin Seed Oil is a high-quality product that delivers real results. Whether you are looking to hydrate your hair or nourish your skin, this oil is a great choice. Overall, we highly recommend Maple Holistics Pumpkin Seed Oil for anyone looking for a versatile organic oil that can be used for both hair and skin. We highly recommend Maple Holistics Pumpkin Seed Oil for anyone looking for a versatile organic oil that can be used for both hair and skin.

Benefits of Pumpkin Seed Oil for Your Hair

Their intensive moisturizing capability also allows them to repair damaged hair. In a 12-week study, pumpkin seed oil extract significantly reduced symptoms of overactive bladder. Modern science supports many claims about pumpkin seed oil’s benefits and offers several reasons why you should incorporate pumpkin seed oil into your diet.

Considering Using Oils for Hair Growth?

The Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seed Oil, Explained - Eat This, Not That

The Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seed Oil, Explained.

Posted: Wed, 13 Oct 2021 07:00:00 GMT [source]

The amino acids in pumpkin seed oil aid keratin production and make your hair strong. From silicone scalp massagers to professional scalp massages, scalp care trends have been on the rise and boast a healthier scalp and improved hair growth. But beyond a little TLC, there are other avenues to boost your scalp health and hair growth. Enter pumpkin seed oil, which you may have heard some buzz about thanks to its nourishing qualities. Whether you choose to ingest or apply pumpkin seed oil, it’s always important to talk to your doctor if you have any concerns. “Pumpkin seed oil is safe, however some may experience stomach aches at the beginning [if ingesting], so just be mindful when starting.

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pumpkin seeds hair oil

In one study,[5] men with androgenetic alopecia increased hair growth by 40% when taking pumpkin seed oil supplements for 24 weeks. In animal experiments, phytosterols are antiandrogenic (meaning it blocks some hormones, including testosterone, from binding to receptors). Since testosterone activity plays a role in androgenetic alopecia (also called male pattern baldness), some researchers have wondered if those antiandrogenic effects could help hair loss.

That is because there is not enough evidence to support its safety in those groups. Another 2021 randomized clinical trial compared pumpkin seed oil to Flomax (tamsulosin), a drug that treats prostate inflammation, on BPH symptom relief. Researchers randomized participants to receive 0.4 mg tamsulosin daily or 360 mg pumpkin seed oil twice a day. In a 2014 study, researchers examined whether pumpkin seed oil improved overactive bladder.

Pumpkin seed oil can be added to your usual hair care routine or included in your diet in supplement or food form. Overall it is considered a safe product with minimal risk of side effects. Put simply, pumpkin seed oil is a nutrient-rich oil obtained by cold-pressing pumpkin seeds.

This may occur because pumpkin seed oil is a healthier alternative to saturated and trans fats. Researchers are also exploring pumpkin seed oil’s ability to heal wounds. Studies have been conducted using rodents, but further research into the effects on humans is needed. Pumpkin seeds are high in antioxidants that help your body fight off disease.

The intervention group received 1,000 mg of pumpkin seed oil, and the control group received a placebo. Both adhered to the American Heart Association's heart-healthy dietary guidelines. Compared to the control group, the pumpkin seed oil group showed a significant reduction in LDL ("bad") cholesterol and diastolic blood pressure and an increase in HDL ("good") cholesterol. The expert recommends allowing the oil to absorb into your hair overnight, then washing your hair as usual in the morning. He adds, "You can also add the oil into your shampoo or conditioner bottles to introduce into your normal hair care routine alongside this."


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